Eat Fruits and Stay Healthy


  • Mango is a favourite fruit of everybody. Mango contains vitamin C and A in sufficient quantity.
  • Vitamin A is beneficial and destroys bacteria.
  • Vitamin C destroys scurvy.
  • Mango contains calcium, iron, carbohydrates, fat, fiber, protein, phosphorous.


  • Watermelon relieves burning sensation caused due to heat.  Watermelon juice overcomes restlessness and anxiety.
  • Vitamin E found in watermelon provides strength to the body and keeps it active. It also enhances beauty.
  • Watermelon also contains protein, carbohydrates and fat.


  • Pomegranate reduces body heat.
  • Its juice is beneficial for anemic patients.
  • The juice calms down vata, pitta and kapha.
  • Pomegranate contains water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamin C and other elements.
  • It strengthens the brain.


  • Banana is an evergreen fruit.
  • It is a balanced nutritious food, which activates the body during summer and keeps it fresh.
  • Banana soup increases blood.
  • It contains protein, fat, phosphorous in sufficient quantity.
  • Banana increases hemoglobin in blood.
  • It is very beneficial when taken with milk.


  • Grapes reduce physical weakness and the body does not get affected with heat.
  • Grapes contain vitamin A, B, C in sufficient quantity. It also contains potassium and carbonic acid.
  • Grapes is a medicine for pregnant women.
  • It fulfills iron deficiency.
  • Grapes reduces burning sensation, fever, vomiting, Raktapitta, thirst and other diseases caused due to heat.
  • It also overcomes blood impurities.


  • Orange is juicy and tasty fruit.
  • It a rich source of vitamin C.
  • orange is the best fruit to control vomiting during pregnancy.
  • Orange juice reduces body heat and circulates strength in the body and keeps it active.
  • It reduces excessive thirst.
  • It also reduces physical weakness and fatigue.
  • Orange juice reduces burning sensation and yellow coloration of urine.
  • It calms down heat in eyes and the salt present in orange juice reduces acidity.


  • Enzymes found in pineapple improves digestion process.
  • It contains chlorine in excess quantity and hence reduces obstruction in urination.
  • Pineapple contains lot of water and hence it should be taken during summer.
  • Pineapple juice reduces body weight.
  • It destroys pitta related problems.
  • Pineapple juice protects from sunstroke
  •  It is very beneficial in case of jaundice.
  • Pineapple juice increases blood.

Black plum:

  • Black plum controls nose bleeding in children.
  • It purifies blood and removes boils, wounds, eczema and itching.
  • It contains fat, protein, carbohydrates.
  • Phosphorous present in black plum strengthens the brain.
  • It is a tonic for teeth and bones.


  • Apple contains phosphorous, potassium, fiber, carbohydrates and iron in sufficient quantity.
  • It increases disease fighting capacity and improves skin complexion.
  • Apple contains vitamin C and B and tartaric acid, which increases digestion process.
  • Men and women leading a stressful life should eat apple and drink its juice for mental peace.
  • It gives nourishment to the brain and increases blood in the body.


  • Strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, black berries fall under this category.
  • They are known as summer fruits.
  • They contain fiber and vitamin C in sufficient quantity.
  • Berries are very beneficial for diabetes patients.
  • Regular consumption reduces body weight.

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