Effects of increased Doshas-Dhatu-Mala

Effects of increased Doshas – Vriddha Dosha Karma

Effects of increased Vata

Vata, when increased produces
Karshya – emaciation,
Karshnya – black discoloration,
Ushnakamitva – desire for hot things,
Kampa – tremors
Anaha – bloating, fullness, distention of the abdomen,
Shakrut Graha – constipation,
Bala bhramsha – loss of strength,
Nidra bhramsha – loss of sleep
Indriya bhramsha – loss of sensory functions,
Pralapa – irrelevant speech,
Bhrama – Delusion, Dizziness giddiness
Deenata – timidity (peevishness).

Effects of increase of Pitta

Pitta when increased produces yellow discoloration of the faeces, urine, eyes, and skin;
excess of hunger and thirst,
feeling of burning sensation and
very little sleep

Effects of increased of Kapha

Kapha, when increased produces
Agnisadana – weak digestive activity,
Praseka – excess salivation,
Alasya – lassitude, laziness
Gaurava – feeling of heaviness,
Shvaithya – white discoloration,
Shaithya – coldness,
Shlathangatva – looseness of the body parts,
Shwasa – dyspnoea, asthma, COPD
Kasa – cough, cold
Atinidrata – excess of sleep.

Effects of increased body tissues – Vriddha Dhatu Karma

Rasa when increased in similar to Kapha, produces the same symptoms of increased Kapha;

Rakta (blood) when increased produces
Visarpa – Herpes, spreading skin disease,
Pleeha – diseases of the spleen,
Vidradhi – abscesses,
Kushta – skin diseases
Vatasra – gout
Pittasra – bleeding disease,
Gulma – abdominal tumors,
Upakusa – a disease of the teeth,
Kamala – jaundice,
Vyanga – discoloured patch on the face,
Agninasha – loss of digestion strength
Sammoha – Coma, unconsciousness,
Red discoloration of the skin, eyes, and urine.

Mamsa (muscle tissue), when increased produces
Ganda – cervical lymphadenitis
Granthi – tumor,
Increase in size of the cheeks, thighs, and abdomen,
over growth of muscles of the neck and other places.

Medas (fat tissue), when produces similar symptoms and in addition, it causes fatigue, difficulty
in breathing even after little work,
drooping of the buttocks, breasts and abdomen.

Asthi (bone tissues), when increased causes overgrowth of bones and extra teeth.

Majja (marrow), when increased produces heaviness of the eyes and the body, increase of size
of the body joints and causes ulcers which are difficult to cure.

Shukra (semen) when increased produces great desire for the woman (sexual desire) and seminal
calculi (spermolith).

Effects of increased waste products – Vriddha Mala Karma

Shakrit (feaces), when increased causes distension of abdomen, gurgling noise and feeling of
heaviness. 12½
Mutra (urine), when increased produces severe pain in the bladder and feeling of non-elimination
even after urination. 13
Sweda (sweat) when increased produces excess of perspiration, foul smell and itching.
The increase of Dushika (excretion of the eyes) and other waste products are to be understood by
noting their increased quantity, heaviness (of their sites) and such other symptoms.