Types of Vata-Pitta-Kapha

Types of Vata

Vata is of 5 types.
Prana Vata, Udana Vata, Vyana Vata, Samana Vata and Apana Vata

Prana Vata
Prana is located in the head and moves in the chest, throat. It regulates will, heart, sense organs,intellect and vision.
It is the cause for expectoration, sneezing, belching, inspiration and swallowing of food.

Udana Vata
The chest is the seat of Udana, it moves in the nose, umbilicus and throat; its functions are initiation of speech (vak), effort (Prayatna), enthusiasm (Urja), strength (bala) , color, complexion (varna) and memory (smruti).

Vyana Vata
Vyana is located in the heart, moves all over the body in great speed,
It attends to functions such as flexion and extension (locomotor action) opening and closing of the eyelids etc.
Generally all the body activities are regulated by Vyana Vata

Samana Vata
Samana Vata is located near the digestive fire.
It moves in the Kostha – alimentary tract,
It receives the food into stomach, aids in digestion, helps in dividing the food into useful part and waste part, and moves these parts in their normal paths

Apana Vata
Apana Vata is located in the Apana – large intestine, moves in the waist, bladder, genitals. It attends to the functions such as ejaculation, menstruation, defecation, urination and child birth.

Types of Pitta

Pitta is of 5 types.
Pachaka Pitta, Ranjaka Pitta, Sadhaka Pitta, Alochaka Pitta and Bhrajaka Pitta

Pachaka Pitta
It is located between large intestine and stomach. (between Amashaya and pakvashaya)
It is composed of all the five basic elements (Panchamaha Bhuta), it is predominant with fire element and devoid of water element.
It is called by the term Anala- fire because of its function of Paka – digestion and transformation of food materials.
It cooks the food, divides it into essence and waste,
It bestows grace and influence on other types of Pitta.
Hence, among all the types of Pitta, Pachaka pitta is the dominant one.

Ranjaka Pitta

The pitta located in the Amasaya- stomach is known as Ranjaka. It converts the useful part of the
digestion into blood. Hence it converts Rasa Dhatu into Rakta Dhatu.

Sadhaka Pitta
The pitta located in the Hrudaya –heart is known as Sadhaka.
It attends to mental functions such as knowledge, intelligence, self- consciousness, etc, thereby helping the purpose – aims of life.

Alochaka Pitta
It is located in the eyes. It helps in vision.

Bhrajaka Pitta
It resides in skin and helps exhibition of color and complexions.

Types of Kapha

Kapha also is of five types

Avalambaka Kapha, Kledaka Kapha, Bodhaka Kapha, Tarpaka Kapha and Shleshaka Kapha.

Avalambaka Kapha
It is located in the chest and Trika pradesha – the meeting place of shoulder, neck and back;. By
its innate strength and by the power of essence of food, it does lubrication, nourishing etc
functions that are attributed to water element. It also influences the functioning of other types of

Kledaka Kapha
Located in the Amasaya – stomach. It moistens the hard food mass and helps in digestion.

Bodhaka Kapha
It is located in the tongue. It helps in taste perception.

Tarpaka Kapha
It is ocated in the head. It nourishes sense organs.

Shleshaka Kapha
It is located in the bone joints. It lubricates and strengthens the joint.

Though Tridosha is present all over the body, they are more dominant in specific areas of the body, as explained above.