Cause and Treatment for Imbalance

Relationship between Dosha and Dhatu

Vata resides in Asthi (bones)
Pitta resides in Sweda (sweat) and Rakta (blood)
Kapha resides in rest of the Dhatu and Mala.

In case of Pitta and Kapha, when there is an increase of Pitta or Kapha, there is also respective increase of tissues and waste products associated with them.
For example, if Pitta increases, then sweat and blood vitiation also increases. The same rule applies to decrease as well.
But in case of Vata, if Vata decreases, then Asthi increases. They are inverse proportionately related with each other.

Cause for increase or decrease of Dosha

The increase of Doshas, Dhatus and Mala is usually due to excess nutrition (Tarpana), which is followed later on with increase of Kapha.
Whereas the decrease of Doshas, Dhatus and Malas is due to loss of nutrition which is followed, later with increase of Vayu (Vata).
Hence, the diseases arising from increase of Dosha and Dhatu should be usually treated quick by adopting Langhana (therapy causing thinning of the body, reducing the quantity)
The diseases arising from the decrease of Dosha and Dhatu should be treated with Brimhana therapy (causing stoutening the body, increasing the quantity etc.)
But in case of Vata, the order is reverse. If Vata is increased, then Brihmana therapy (nourishing therapy) should be adopted and if Vata decreases then Langhana therapy should be adopted.

Effects of vitiated Doshas – Dusta Dosha Karma

The Doshas which are vitiated [become abnormal undergoing either increase or decrease] cause vitiation of the Rasa and other Dhatus (tissues) next;
Both Doshas and Dhatus together vitiate the Malas (waste products) which in turn, vitiate the Malayanas (channels of their elimination).
Malayana – routes of elimination of waste products are – two below – anus and urethra, seven in the head, and the channels of sweat; from these vitiated channels develop their connected diseases.

Treatment for Dosha imbalance

The increase of Doshas should be controlled by avoidance of foods which are disliked.
The decrease of Doshas should be managed by foods indulgence of food that are desired.
The Doshas which have undergone increase and decrease generally produce desire for foods which are dissimilar and similar (in properties to those of the Doshas) respectively; but the unintelligent person do not recognize them.
The Doshas, when increased produce their respective features (signs and symptoms) depending upon their strength; when decreased they do not produce signs and symptoms and when normal, they attend to their normal functions.
The very same Doshas, which when normal, are the causes for growth of the body, become the causes for its destruction when abnormal.
Hence by adopting suitable measures, the body should be protected from their decrease and increase.

Treatment for dhatu imbalance

In particular the disease arising from – increase of rakta should be treated with- a. blood letting and b. Purgations.
Increase of mamsa by use of – a. sharp instruments (surgery), b. caustic alkalies and, c. fire cautery.
Increase of medas by therapies indicated for obesity, and decrease by therapies indicated for emaciation.
Decrease of asthi by enema therapy using – a. milk, b. ghee and, c. bitter drugs.
Increase of vit / feces by the use of – a. abdominal viscera of ram or goat, b. half steamed pulses, c. barley and, d. the two varieties of masha etc. as food.
Increase and decrease of mutra / urine – By adopting treatments indicated for diabetes and dysuria respectively.

Decrease of sveda / sweat by adopting – a. physical exercises, b. oil bath, c. sudation therapies and d. use of wine.