Health and Disease

Cause for health and disease

kālārthakarmaṇāṃ yogo hīnamithyātimātraka: | samyagyogaśca vijñeyo rogārogyaika kāraṇam ||

Less, more or wrong unison of time (kala), senses (artha) and functions (karma) is the reason for disease and the right unison of these three factors is the reason for health.

Types of disease

Nija roga – Disease caused due to imbalance in internal factors. For example, eating excessive hot substances, leading to gastritis.
Agantu Roga – Disease caused due to external factors. Such as injuries. Both these types of disease can occur to body and mind.

Mental Doshas responsible for diseases

Rajas – quality of mind, that drives us to take actions,
Tamas – that leads to inaction and lethargy

Examination of patient

Darshana – by means of inspection, observation.
Sparshana – by means of touching
Prashna – by means of asking

Examination of disease

Disease should be examined by its
Nidana -causes, aetiology,
Pragrupa – Purvarupa – prodromal symptoms, premonitory symptoms
Lakshana – Specific signs and symptoms, clinical features
Upashayaa – diagnostic tests
Apti – Samprapti – Pathogenesis.

Types of Habitat

In this science, is said to be of two kinds –

Bhumi desha – region of land and Dehadesha – the body. Bhumi desa – land region is of three kinds of viz, Jangala -which is predominant of vata – arid or desert-like land with no mountains or hills, has less vegetation, poor water resourses and is more breezy.
Anupa – which is predominant of kapha – marshy land with more of water, more vegetation , very less of sunlight and heat.
Sadharana which has all Tridosha in balance – moderate type with few mountains , hills, moderate water, vegetation and sunlight.

Kinds of time

Two kinds are considered- one is normal time, another – stages of diseases.