Preventive Healthcare

Roganutpadaniya Adhyaya or Preventive healthcare tips. it explains the method of adjusting the body to the natural signs so as to avoid toxic material accumulation and onset of disease process.
Roganutpadaneeya = Roga + Anutpadaneeya
Roga means disease; Utpadana means production. Anutpadana means prevention of production.
So, Roga Anutpadaneeya means – prevention of onset of disease. This topic deals with preventive healthcare.

Adharaneeya Vega – Natural urges that should not be suppressed

One should not suppress these natural urges –
1. Adhovata – flatus (fart)
2. Vit – faeces
3. Mutra – urine
4. Kshavatu – sneeze
5. Trut – thirst
6. Kshudha – hunger
7. Nidra – sleep
8. Kasa – cough
9. Shramashvasa – breathing on exertion
10. Jrumbha – Yawning
11. Ashru – tears, weeping
12. Chardi – vomiting
13. Retas – semen
All these natural urges should not be suppressed by force.

Root cause for all diseases

All diseases are caused due to
Vegodeerana – initiation of urges forcefully
Vegadhaarana – Suppression of naturally initiated urges.
For those common diseases arising from these acts, specific treatments have been counted so far.
By disturbing the nature, it is Vata that is mainly vitiated. Hence the symptoms arising from suppression of natural urges could be treatment with food and treatment which clear the passages of Vata and help in restoring Vata’s natural movement direction.

Whom should not be given treatment?

Who have intense pain and thirst, those who are habituated to suppression of urges – because the Vata and other Doshas will frequently get vitiated due to undesired activity and treatment will not be successful. Ksheena – who are severely emaciated, Those who vomit feaces – condition has gone out of control.

Urges that should be suppressed –

The urges that should be suppressed forcefully are –
Lobha – greed
Irshya – envy
Dvesha – hatredness
Matsarya – jealous
Raga – unlawful, excessive attraction

Shodhana –Panchakarma – purification procedure – timing

One must exercise precaution to clear out Doshas and waste products at suitable times.
Accumulation of such toxins could lead to their aggravation and subsequently even death may occur due to this.

Effectiveness of Shodhana Chikitsa – (Panchakarma treatment)

The Doshas that are balanced out by Langhana (fasting etc) and Pachana (digestion promoting) therapies may sometime get re-aggravated soon. However, Doshas that have been eliminated out with Shodhna (Panchakarma) therapy will never get re-aggravated.

After proper Panchakarma procedure at suitable times, rejuvenation treatment (Rasayana therapy) should be taken up, with suitable tonics and aphrodisiacs.

Shodhan kala –Time for Panchakarma treatment

The accumulated Doshas arising from winter should be expelled during Vasanta (spring)
That arising from Summer (Greeshma) should be expelled during Abhrakala – Varsha Ritu – rainy season.
That arising from rainy season should be expelled during Ghnatyaya (Sharad – Autumn season)
By this, people will not become victims of diseases born by the effect of the seasons.

Treatment for those who undergo Panchakarma treatment and who feel tired:

Bruhmana Ahara – nourishing eatables such as
Shashtika Shali – rice that mature in 60 days
Godhuma – wheat
Mudga – green gram
Mamsa – meat
Ghrita – ghee
Medicine with Hrudya (cardiac tonic) and Deepana (digestive, carminative) qualities should be mixed with food and taken.
Abhyanga – oil massage
Udvartana – powder massage
Snana – herbal bath
Niruha Basti –enema treatment
Snehabasti – oil / ghee enema treatment

All these help to restore health of the debilitated. By these measures, one could gain health, happiness, good intelligence, clarity of vision, strong sense organs, intelligence, sexual vigour and longevity.

Agantuj rog-Traumatic diseases / caused by external factors

Those disease produced by bhuta (evil spirits, bacteria, parasites, insects and such microbes), visha (poisons) air (hurricane, cyclone), agni (fire, electricity, radiation etc) kshata (injury, wounds etc),
bhanga (fracture of bones) etc., as also those due to raga (desire, lust), dvesa (hatred), bhaya (fear) etc. are all know as Agantu diseases arising from external causes)

Sarvaroga samanya cikitsa- (general treatment for all diseases):-

Avoidance of improper activities of body, mind and speech by willful transgression of rules,
Control of the senses, remembering previous experiences and acting rightly,
good knowledge of the habitat, season and the self,
adherence to rules of good conduct and rituals
Peaceful procedures as mentioned in Atharva Veda,
Worship of celestial powers – Grahashanti (astronomical palliative procedures)
Staying away from Bhuta (evil spirits, microbes)
Respective treatment followed as per the principles explained above, are the general guidelines to treat all types of diseases.

Secret of good health

He , who indulges daily in healthy foods and activities, who discriminates the good and bad of everything and then acts wisely, who is not attached too much to the objects of the senses, who develops the habit of charity, of considering all as equal, of truthfulness, of pardoning and keeping company of good persons only, becomes free from all diseases.