
Types of food substances
Shamana – Food that brings down the increased Dosha to normalcy
Kopana – Food that increases the lowered Dosha to normalcy
Swasthahita – Food that maintains the normalcy of Tridosha and health.

Shadrasa-Six tastes

Svadu – Madhura – sweet, Amla – Sour, Lavana – Salt, Tikta – Bitter, Ushna – Katu – Pungent, Kashaya – Astringent are the six types of Rasa.
They are successively lower in energy. That means, Sweet taste imparts maximum energy to body and the astringent, the least.

Effect of tastes on Tridosha

tatrādyā mārutaṃ ghnanti traya: tiktādaya: kapham |
kaṣāya tikta madhurā: pittamanye tu kurvate ||

In the list of tastes, the first three, i.e. Sweet, sour and salt mitigates Vata and increases Kapha.
The last three, i.e. bitter, pungent and astringent tastes mitigates Kapha and increases Vata
Astringent, bitter and sweet taste mitigates Pitta. Sour, salt and pungent tastes increase Pitta.

Twenty types of qualities (Guna)

guru manda hima snigdha ślakṣṇa sāndra mṛdu sthirā: | guṇā: sasūkṣma viśadā: viṃśati: sa
viparyayā: ||

Guru(heavy) X laghu (light in weight)
Manda(slow) X tiksna(quick,fast)
Hima (cold) X ushna (hot)
Snighda (unctuous) X ruksa (dry)
Slaksna (smooth) X khara (rough)
Sandra (solid) X drava (liquid)
Mrdu (soft) X kathina (hard)
Sthira (stable) X cala (moving, unstable)
Suksma (stable, small) X sthula (big,gross)
Vishada (non slimy) X picchila (slimy)

Two Types of Potency (Veerya)

Ushna veerya (Hot potency) -Some food items are hot in nature. For example pepper
Sheeta veerya (cold potency) – Some food items are cold in nature. For example milk.
These are the two types of potencies. Generally, substances that have Astringent, bitter and sweet tastes are coolant in nature and Sour, salt and pungent tastes are hot in nature.

Three types of Vipaka

Vipaka refers to conversion of taste after initial phase of digestion.
Madhura Vipaka (sweet) – Generally, Sweet, and salt tastes undergo this Vipaka.
Amla Vipaka (Sour) – Sour taste undergoes this Vipaka
Katu Vipaka – rest of the tastes – Bitter, astringent and pungent tastes undergo this Vipaka.