Increased Dosha

Number of combination of Dosha – Dosha Samyoga samkhya

The number of combinations of Dosha increase and decrease are 62.

In their vriddhi they are – 3 individually; in the combination of two doshas they are 3; and 9 in total- 3 in equal proportion of increase, 6 with preponderance of one dosha;

They are 13 in combination of all three together – 6 with preponderance of any one dosha, 1 with equal preponderance of all the three, 6 by disproportionate subdivisions;

Thus in respect of vriddhi they are 25; Similarly in respect of kshaya they are 25

In the combination of increase, normal and decrease of one dosha each will make up for 6 numbers.
Again they are 6 in the combination of decrease of 1 dosha and increase of 2 doshas

The number of combinations of Dosha increase and decrease are 62.
The 63rd is the condition, where all the Doshas are in equilibrium, which is called as the state of health.

With the association of Rasa, Rakta etc and the level of increase or decrease of Doshas, there can
be innumerable permutations and combinations. The physician should understand them by their
features – signs and symptoms with an attentive mind.

Different symptoms produced by increased Doshas

Symptoms of Vata increase

Sramsa – Ptosis- drooping down
Vyasa – dilation
Vyadha – cutting pain
Swapa – loss of sensation
Sada – weakness, loss of function
Ruk – pain
Toda – continuous pain
Bhedanam – splitting pain
Sanga – Constriction,
Angabhanga – bodyache,
Sankocha – shrinking of the organ, reduction in size
Varta – twisting,
Harshana – tingling sensation
Tarshana – thirst
Kampa – tremors
Parushya – roughness
Saushirya – feeling of empty
Shosha – dryness
Spandana – pulsating
Veshtana – rigidity, as if tied
Sthambha – stiffness
Kashaya rasata – astringent taste in mouth
Aruna, Shyava Varna – appearance of blue or crimson discoloration
– these are the abnormal signs and symptoms of increased Vayu –Vata.

Treatment for Vata imbalance (increase) – Vriddha Vata chikitsa

Treatment options for increased Vata Dosha are

Sneha – oleation-oral administration of oil / ghee / fat and external oil massage
Sveda – Sudation – diaphoresis, sweating therapy
Mrudu Samshodhana – Mild purification procedure, Mild Panchakarma (Vamana and Virechana). Excess of Panchakarma might lead to Vata increase.
Svadu Amla Lavana Ushna Bhojya – foods which are of sweet, sour and salt taste;
Abhyanga – Oil massage
Mardana – simple massage
Veshtana – wrapping / covering the body/ organ with cloth
Trasana – Threatening, frightening
Seka – pouring of herbal decoctions / oils on the affected part
Paishtika Goudika Madya – wine prepared from corn flour and jaggery- molasses
Snigdha Ushna Basti – enema therapy with fat-oil, enema with drugs of hot potency
Sukhasheelata – comforting the patient
Deepana Pachana Siddha Sneha – medicated fats of different kinds- sources prepared with drugs causing increase of hunger and improving digestion;
Medya Pishita Taila Anuvasana – oleation enema prepared from juice of fatty meat and oil.

Symptoms of Pitta increase

Daha – burning sensation
Raga – reddish discoloration
Ushmapakita – heat, increase in temperature, formation of pus, ulcers
Sveda – sweating
Kleda – inflammation with wetness, moistness
Sruti – inflammation with pus / oozing / secretions, exudation
Kotha – putrefaction- decomposition
Sadana – debility
Murchana – fainting
Mada – toxicity
Katuka Amla Rasa – bitter and sour taste in the mouth
Pandu Aruna Varjitaha – appearance of color other than yellowish white and crimson.

Treatment for Pitta imbalance (increase) – Vriddha Pitta Chikitsa

Treatment options for increased Pitta Dosha are –

Sarpi paana – drinking of Ghrita (clarified Butter). It can be plain or medicated, based on physician’s advice.
Svadu, sheeta Virechana – purgation therapy with drugs of sweet taste and cold potency,
Intake of foods and drugs having sweet, bitter and astringent tastes.
Inhaling of fumes from herbs that are coolant, pleasant and cordial
Anointing the body with camphor, sandalwood paste, Vetiver paste, very frequently.
Residing on terraces lit by moonlight in the evenings, enjoying pleasant music and soft cold breeze, company of friends who do not restrain him, of sons who speak cordially and with innocence.
Spending time with wife, who is obedient, pleasing and virtuous;
Residing in houses equipped with fountains emitting cooled water, parks and ponds,
Spending time in houses near water reservoirs having clean water, sand, lotus, flowers, and trees, with a calm mind;
Consuming milk, ghee and Purgation therapy (Virechana)

Symptoms of Kapha increase

Sneha – unctuousness, oilyness
Kathinya – hardness
Kandu – itching
Sheetatva – coldness
Gaurava – heavyness
Bandha – obstruction,
Upalepa – coating, as if tied with a wet cloth
Staimitya – stiffness, loss of movement
Shopha – inflammation
Apakti – indigestion,
Atinidrata – excessive sleep
Shveta varna – white discolouration
Svadu lavana rasa – sweet, salt taste in mouth
Chirakarita – delay in all activities.

Treatment for Kapha imbalance (increase) – Vriddha Kapha Chikitsa

Treatment options for increased Kapha Dosha are

Vidhiyukta Teekshna Vamana Virechana – Strong emesis and purgation in accordance with prescribed procedure,
Consuming food which are dry,
Consuming food in limited quantity
Consuming food that have Teekshna (strong, piercive), Ushna (hot), pungent, bitter and astringent taste,
Old wine
Sexual activity
keeping awake at night,
Exercises of different kinds,
Dry massage of the body;
Vamana – emesis therapy,
drinking of soups- of grains
Use of honey,
Therapies and medicines that reduce fat,
Inhalation of medicinal smoke,
Facing difficulties

The different treatment prescribed for each Dosha individually, may be combined appropriately in conditions of combinations of two or three Doshas.

Thus above are the enumerated features, which appear in diseases, are to be recognized by the physician through inspection and others methods of examination of patient.
Importance of patient observation is To gain the knowledge of the different stages of disease the physician should observe the patient every minute.